Yaperti Senior High School doing Reunion

Yaperti Senior Highschool Welcome The Student Graduated of Yaperti Senior Highschool

Yaperti Senior Highschool




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Yaperti Senior Highschool


Hello Friends How are you, we didn't see for 7 years
i hope you all are fine. has no health problems
for all member in whatsapp group
i would like to invite you to come on the new year's eve event
i really hope you will come on the new year's eve show on

day/date :Sunday/31-12-2017 Time :07.00 PM Place :Dedy Kurniawan House you can invite your parents, your friends, or your girlfriend
or your husband/wife if you already married
you do not have to bring anything, you just come, all have been provided

His event just burned the garbage

So please be advised

Name Age Nationality Image About
Dedi 26 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Dean Allesis 25 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Elizabeth Hanna Hattu 25 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Kenichi Kusa 25 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Nico Helmy Santoso 25 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Andriyadi Kurniawan 25 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Robby Dermawan 28 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Roy Martin 26 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Salomo Sandro Cipto 26 Indonesia
Name Age Nationality Image About
Willy Hermanto 26 Indonesia


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